Ramón Peña Cockles in Brine 30/35 ct. CONSERVAS

Availability: In stock (4)

From Ramón Peña:

Exquisitely gorgeous outside and in, these extra large, premium cockles in brine are plump and bright and beg to be shared with the people you love.

After shucking, the iconic clams are hand-washed multiple times to ensure they are crystal clear of even the tiniest grain of sand. Next, they are hand-placed with precision and care into a kaleidoscope of cream and orange, bathed in briny water, and sealed for the ultimate gourmet experience. These really should be enjoyed au natural, but if you must plus them up, we recommend making toothpick pintxos with pickled onion and Guindilla peppers (which beg for a swim in a dry gin Martini).

TASTING: plump, sweet, firm, clammy

PAIRING: gin, pickles, grass-fed butter

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