Bugey-Cerdon La Cueille Rose (Sweet Bubbly: Gamay,Poulsard)

Article number: P-9130
Availability: In stock (9)

Gamay & Poulsard.

Enologically speaking, this is a blend of Poulsard and Gamay from the Cerdon cru of the Bugey, a pocket of hilly natural beauty situated roughly between Savoie, the Jura, and the city of Lyon. In accordance with the so-called “ancestral method,” the wine has been bottled partway through fermentation, refermented in bottle until reaching the desired sweetness and bubbliness, then racked off its lees and recorked to avoid further fermentation (and exploding glass). The resulting wine is delightfully refreshing with bright fruit, a beautiful rosé hue, and a nice amount of sweetness.

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